Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Designer Presentations

Stefan Sagmeister 

This designer worked with Tibor Kalman and his work is known all over the world. He really like how Tibor worked with typography and his entire design style. He uses many hand-written elements and photographs and typography out of objects; he was not a user of computers. He created designs for music, including album covers. He also works with the human body and faces. For an internship, he had the information carved into his skin. Very unique/different. His philosophy is to be honest. I love how he uses a lot of hand-writing.

Clement Mok

His work began in the 80s and worked for Apple, where he was able to work with specific applications. He worked on a variety of jobs, including: producing, designing, educating, web developing, software producing. His design style was comprised of geometric lines, bold colors, and he was great at creating logos. One of his main focuses over the last decade was on web designing. As he had many clients and projects, he became very well-known and worked with big companies--a couple of them being Adobe and Sony. 

Leo Burnett

He liked to create images around the product. Three main symbols he had were apples, black pencils and a hand reaching for the stars. Some icons he had were the Pilsbury Doughboy, Tony the Tiger and the bird from the Fruit Loops cereal. His website is so so so so so coooool.

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